So Hannah's Spanish teacher from high school in Massachusetts happens to live in Pachuca. Small world, right? So he offered to take us around Pachuca and show us some cool stuff. He is super nice. We started off by going to Mineral del Monte, a town not far from Pachuca that is yet another Pueblo Magico. It is an old silver mining town that has a lot of European influence.
We stopped at a cemetery, which was pretty cool looking, but would definitely be super creepy at night. Then we went into town and looked at souvenirs and ate some amazing pastes. Pastes are a delicious croissant filled with many different things. I got mole verde and Hawaiano. They were both extremely amazing.
We drove back to Pachuca and he showed us some sites. There is an awesome looking futball (soccer) museum here. It was closed, but I want to go sometime. We also drove past the stadium. I want to go to a game in Pachuca! We were going to go to one a few weeks ago, but the tickets were super expensive. Hopefully they will have some cheap games while we are here...
Next to the museum is this huge mosaic that apparently they have concerts at sometimes. I think we had a bit too much fun taking photos here :)
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It was a fun day hanging out with her teacher. He told us about a lot of other cool places nearby that we should go to. I love making friends with the locals! I learn about so many awesome things that I never would know about as a classic tourist.