Monday, July 13, 2015


So the school we teach at had graduation today. Our ILP students will continue to come to school during the summer break, but the rest of the students are done. So it's going to be interesting seeing who comes and who doesn't. I have a feeling we might have significantly less students. It will also be strange not having all the extra kids running around and being loud and distracting while we are teaching. It might be eerily quiet!
Flag Ceremony
The students were all dressed to the hilt! It was adorable. And I absolutely love Alex's face in this photo. 
No Mexican celebration can be complete without a mariachi band.
Andreh is obsessed with Clash of Clans (a video game) and loves giving
us strangling tackle hugs.
 So we decided to take a ton of pictures with the kids today because who knows which students are coming for the summer and which ones we will never see again.

Here are a few of the pics
Bryan is a cutie who lives to participate in class, but is a major whiner whenever I don't give him a ticket.

Mayte is Danna's sister, and both are very headstrong, but super cute and girly once you get through their wall of stubbornness. 

Lorelei was the screamer to begin with. She still screams every now and then, but is a very happy child.

This is our coordinator (the one who speaks English: aka translator) Alberto.

Did I mention he is super ticklish?

And here is our favorite secretary and hard-core partier Aissa. 

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