Sunday, May 17, 2015

Elder Bednar came to Pachuca!

We had the opportunity to go see Elder Bednar today. It was super awesome. He got up and said that he wasn't going to give a talk, but we would do a question and answer session. How often is it that you get to ask an apostle a question?? It was also really nice because he spoke in English. I have been going to church here, but it's really hard to pay attention when I have no idea what is going on.

Before he started the questions he talked a little bit about being agents instead of objects. Agents act and make things happen. Objects are acted upon. "We live the Gospel like it's a lengthy checklist of things to do. Then we sit back and say, what do I get now?" That is living the gospel as an object. "Faith in Christ is a principle of actions and power. First we act, then we receive power." People want to do it the other way around.

He gave a really great analogy about this. We are all in a completely dark world with a single spotlight right around where we are standing. That is our safe spot. In order to progress, we need to take a step into the dark. "Sometimes we want everything to be lit up so we can see the whole picture before we take a step into the dark, but the answer is always, 'Just step forward.'" It is scary taking steps when we can't see if we will trip on a rock, fall in a hole, or even possibly step into a flower garden.

"Take a step into the dark. The light will move, in a miraculous way."

Here are some of my favorite quotes that he said:

"There are no special scriptures for general authorities with answers in the back."

"Teaching is not talking. When we teach we observe and listen, then discern." (However this is not true when teaching English... You can't teach a language without talking. But it is true in many other aspects, including the Gospel!)

"The ordinances and covenants of the Gospel provide access to blessings."

"You don't make a choice to go on a mission, that's why you were born." (This was directed at the young men, but I still really like this quote. Thanks for being direct Elder Bednar!)

"If we know who we are and why we are here, serving a mission is automatic. You already made the decision before you were born. The question is, will you remember?"

"If you find the perfect companion, why would he or she want to marry you? You're not perfect." (once again, thanks for being direct :) )

"Don't look for the perfect companion, become the perfect companion."

This was obviously a young single adult conference. It was super interesting and I learned a lot. Along with the main theme of acting as agents, another question he constantly asked was "Did you hear some things that I didn't say?" Elder Bednar was talking and answering people's questions all night, but he wasn't the only teacher in the room. The Holy Ghost is the ultimate teacher, because He knows exactly what each individual needs to hear. Most of the above are quotes from Elder Bednar, but some of them are things I heard that he didn't say. I honestly don't remember which is which, but they are all things that I needed to learn.

"When we conclude the meeting, the word amen should mean begin. Go act upon what you have learned."

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