Saturday, May 16, 2015


What a great day! Teotihuacan is also known as the City of the Gods. It is super cool there. They are Mesoamerican ruins. I read about a little bit of the history of the city last night, and it is pretty dang cool. Teotihuacan used to be a very elite city full of many warriors from all over Central America.

There are 2 large pyramids: The Temple of the Sun and The Temple of the Moon. It was a great workout to hike up them! The views were amazing.
Temple of the Sun
I'm in love with the clouds!

Some of the stairs were pretty dang steep. And some ladies were hiking in heels! I was glad I had my
trusty Tevas for a long day of walking.

People were selling souvenirs all over the place! The items were beautiful though.
Temple of the Moon
 The Temple of the Moon is much smaller than the Temple of the Sun, but still very gorgeous with great views.

Of course we had to take classic jumping pictures! The wind made my hair look super great... But the sky looks amazing!
 We made some great friends here. They saw that I took a picture of them, then kept changing poses and yelling at me to take more pictures. It was pretty funny.
Here's some other random pictures of the ruins.

Random majestic dog

There were many other ruins with archaeologists still working at quite a few spots. The other ruins are of the houses people lived in. They were pretty cool to walk around and see. We took lots of fun pictures.

There is also a smaller pyramid, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. It was probably my favorite because of all of the awesome monster serpent heads.

The sky was looking so amazing all day! It made me so happy!

Do I make a good monster?

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you aren't doing anything life threatening this week! You make a very good monster, but I have know that since you were a baby. and I like the picture of the random dog. Take care and hope to hear from you soon
